Where My Home Is?
Photograph and object installation (Builders 2)
Global Mix, Photography and media arts assocation Valmed ry's group exhibition, Centre for Creative Industries Mylly, Kuopio, 2014
My home is my blanket
My home is my tent
My home is a scrap car
My home is a rhododendron shrub
My home is Reform Street
My home is a cardboard box
In today's world a huge amount of people are wandering from one country and place to another, building their temporary homes where and when it is possible, from the materials that are around. The installation continues the Builders project that I started in Cape Town in 2012. I encountered Cape Town's homeless people when living in District Six, a previously coloured people's neighbourhood that was bulldozed to the ground during apartheid. Homeless people include original residents of the neighbourhood and indigenous people of the country (khoisan) as well as immigrants and refugees from other parts of South Africa and neighbouring countries. They are homeless, poor, unemployed, ill, even criminals.
The parts of the installation
The whole builds on a wall and floor in a collage way. Pictures of temporary home structures and their inhabitants photographs printed on paper, part of them implemented in the form of a poster. Objects that belong essentially to homeless people's lives are included, such as water bottle, blanket and black plastic. A partial list of the names of individual pictures is in the beginning.
My home is a scrap car
My home is my blanket
Sherizaan Isaacs, Riedewaan Adams, Yassiem Adams, Julian George, Candice Aploon, Mbaraka Issa, Maanie Abduragmaan, Vicky Sistar, Ricky, Sidney, Lappe, Gail, Shireen, Brenda, Boy.
© 2024 Kristiina Korpela