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Information bulletin 5 November 2007


at Greatmore Studios courtyard, November 2007
by Kristiina Korpela / Finland

This time I came to Cape Town with my old herbarium, inside it tiny Finnish plants I had to collect as a schoolchild decades ago, hands frozen. When you have the long summer, we have the long winter.

I wanted to link the impressive Capetonian flora to the nature of my very northern fatherland. Now I have an opportunity to work some time as a "gardener" at the Greatmore Studios courtyard and to cultivate an environmental artwork there. I am like those Europeans who first came here to cultivate plants for sailors, but my plants are not for eating, I suppose. And I am not going to take your land from you. I am going to bring you visual snow with plants and things made white.

I am worried about our shared nature which gives us sunshine, wind, rain and also snow. I am worried about the climate warming in some places and coldening in other places, the heavy changes in the world. The plants and flowers also symbolize many other things; everyone has her/his own relationships and meanings to them.

So I ask people in and around Greatmore Studios to participate by bringing me plants or flowers or flowery things, dry if possible. I wish to interact with the surrounding environment, its climate and people. Somehow I am making a performance, too. I also use documentary photos and stickers in my working.

I have made many environmental artworks and installations in strange places in Finland and abroad, e.g. in Germany and Austria. I mostly use waste, recycled materials and materials from the nature which I collect by myself.

My working in Cape Town is part of the Kuopio - Cape Town exchange project Oceans / Deserts Between. Through my working I wish to get contacts with and learn about Greatmore and Woodstock, their people and the nature around.

Kuvaraportti, kuvat Kristiina Korpela 2007.
Picture report, photos by Kristiina Korpela 2007.


Oceans Between -projekti jatkui Kuopiossa huhtikuussa 2008.
Kuvassa alla taiteilija Lerato Motau tekstiiliteoksessaan.

The Oceans Between project continued in Kuopio in April 2008.
In the picture below the artist Lerato Motau in her textile artwork.


© 2024 Kristiina Korpela